
Website Analysis 3


Website Analysis 2


Website Analysis 1

  Website Analysis   Chosen artist website : French 79   Link to original audio or audio-visual content which may include material from the music video:   Link to original audio or audio-visual content element produced specifically for the website (not in music video):   Annotate two original images on the website: Logo associated with the band is the first thing you see on the website -> Simple and memorable Also the cover of their most popular album   One 3 vinyl records being sold as merchandise -> all 3 are their top albums so the band knows that these will sell Vinyl records seem to be almost in fashion as nostalgia for the past (especially in the music world) is becoming more and more popular -> particularly 80’s nostalgia   List conventions of website design you can see: Logo placement: Massive – the first thing you see -> shows you what the band’s brand

Initial Research

  Initial Research When initially researching this, I consulted a friend and explained the concept of the project. He said that he would help me to find a song and we spent the next 30 minutes to an hour searching through user generated playlists on Spotify and iTunes until we came across this song.  While we were searching, we came across some good options, but most were too depressing and slow for what I wanted to do. 'Hey Julie' has just the right tempo for it to not be depressing, but not too fast for it to be 'Nightcore'-esque - if the song was too fast, I would need to record double to amount of footage just so that the video doesn't feel too slow paced. Additionally, after listening to the song and looking at the lyrics, I began to formulate some ideas, and wrote them down.  After this, I did some more research on the band that recorded this song - the Fountains of Wayne. I found that the album that 'Hey Julie' comes from was released in 2003, and inc

Story Board

Story Board My final video is not the same as the music video because plans changed as I began recording. Most of the real-life shots have stayed relatively the same as my story board, however, I initially planned to physically animate some of it, but that became more of a difficulty. I eventually settled for using a video game called Garry's Mod, but I also planned to use other games such as Grand Theft Auto 5 and Minecraft, but these never happened. 

Three Music Video Analyses
