Website Analysis 1


Website Analysis


Chosen artist website :

French 79


Link to original audio or audio-visual content which may include material from the music video:


Link to original audio or audio-visual content element produced specifically for the website (not in music video):


Annotate two original images on the website:

Logo associated with the band is the first thing you see on the website -> Simple and memorable

Also the cover of their most popular album


One 3 vinyl records being sold as merchandise -> all 3 are their top albums so the band knows that these will sell

Vinyl records seem to be almost in fashion as nostalgia for the past (especially in the music world) is becoming more and more popular -> particularly 80’s nostalgia


List conventions of website design you can see:

Logo placement: Massive – the first thing you see -> shows you what the band’s brand is

Main navigation: Simple and clear -> always on the left side of the screen so you can easily navigate what they have to offer

Colours: Concise with the brand of the band -> connects them off the website as well as on the website



Annotate the title and logo for the band/artist’s webpage:

Logo is simple and therefore memorable

Easily identifiable

Title is also simplistic to match with the website and the ‘indie’ feel their music also has


Annotate the menu bar:

Again, simplistic and minimalistic design matches the indie and underground tone the band uses for both their music and their representation of themselves

Has their social media so that if someone managed to find this website by chance, they can almost get to know the band.


If applicable, annotate the text introducing the band/artist:

N/A -> forces someone who visits this website to go their social media and ‘go down the rabbit hole’ of their band


Find examples of a range of appropriate media language techniques (typography, images, fonts, backgrounds, logos etc.) as appropriate to the purpose of the website

Black background reinforces the simplicity of their band


The fact that this is the first thing the viewer will see, along with the fact that the image is huge reinforces their brand image -> the same design is used on most of their merch and album covers


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